In Defense of Hunting by Eric Steinman

I have to admit I was conflicted. Actually, the appropriate word was probably “dismissive.”


Forks over Knives – One Single Change Could Save your Life

Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pot if you can cure the patient with food. Hippocrates

This article was published in 2008: Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler. If it wasn’t for the little knowledge I’ve gleaned from a few books on how the mind works, I’d be asking myself why people still eat meat …..

Who is protecting the public?

  • The US Dept of Agriculture is the voice of the food industry
  • The American Dietetic Association is controlled by food corporations.
  • The insurance industry profits bt selling plans to the sick
  • The Pharma industry pockets billions annually from chronic illnesses.
One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three quarters keep your doctor alive. Egyptian proverb.

Learnings for me :

If the entire US population were to adopt a plant based diet FOR JUST ONE DAY, the nation would conserve the following resources:
  1. 100 billion gallons of drinking water
  2. 1.5 billion pounds of crops
  3. 70 million gallons of gasoline
  4. 33 tons of antibiotics.
Worldwide, farm animals consume 756 million tons of grain, an equivalent amount would be enough to provide the 1.4 billion people living in abject poverty with approx 3 pounds of grain per day (twice the amount necessary to survive). THE WORLD IS NOT RUNNING OUT OF FOOD. We (the relatively affluent) have found a way to consume four or five times as much food as would be possible if we were to eat the crops we grow directly. Geniuses!!
Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Albert Einstein US (German-born) physicist (1879 – 1955)


Page 66: Blueberry Oat Breakfast Muffins and page 183: Instant Chocolate Pudding…. on my list of things to do 🙂

Padre Ralph will read and blog on:

  1. Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine 
  2.  Farm Sanctuary 
  3. The T. Colin Campbell Foundation
  4. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
  5. The Engine 2 Diet
  6. FoodnSport is founded on the teachings of Dr. Douglas Graham
  7. TrueNorth Health Center
  8. Dr McDougall
  9. Wellness Forum Institute for Health Studies
  10. Exsalsus Health and Wellness Center

Recipe ideas:

Ethical Eating – How to make food choices that won’t cost the earth by Angela Crocombe (2008)

I just finished reading this book, was a quick read as it is written in a down to earth Aussie style I like!

A timely and powerful investigation of the food choices we make every day.

Well what can I say? I am glad I stopped eating meat about 15 years ago and glad I decided to finally stop eating fish and seafood this year ……. after reading this book I have no doubt whatsoever of these choices. I had an idea of the terrible suffering inflicted on animals on ‘farms’ but no to this extent! About a year or so ago we were having lunch with some friends and one of our friends said ” I know you are going to think I am mad (I was the only other vegetarian at the table) but one of the reasons I had stopped eating meat is because animals know they are going to be slaughtered, in some cases can hear and feel the suffering of other animals killed before them and release powerful toxins due to fear and intense suffering ….” I can understand her reasoning NOW!

I doubt whether anyone can read this book and keep eating meat or at least doesn’t reduce meat consumption …..

I also learnt a few other things other than

  • the suffering of ‘farm’ or rather factory animals,
  • the environmental impact, antibiotics,
  • over-fishing and over-fished species
  • harmful additives in processed ‘food’,
  • irradiation of food
  • food miles,
  • excessive food packaging,
  • land clearing,
  • GM foods (Food Inc. was all about this subject),
  • organic produce
  • it takes 16000 litres of water and 7kg of grain to ‘produce’ 1kg of beef
they are:
  1. Mulesing 
  2. Australia is the world’s biggest exporter of livestock
  3. Shifting Baselines 
  4. 70% of the world’s cocoa crop is grown in poor  countries in West Africa…..Child labour and even slavery ….
  5. I was aware of the Slow Food movement but there is much more to it than I thought …. Slow Food 
  6. Ark of Taste
  7. I learnt about Locavore mostly from No Impact Man … 100 mile diet – respecting and understanding the journey each piece of food has made to get to us
  8. Now this is WAY OUT! Freeganism: Freegans are people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.
  9. Macro Wholefoods: since book was written has been bought out by big bully Woolworths …. hmmmm recently while playing bowls, a place in Bondi Junction was mentioned to me, seems like it is this one : The Suveran, will try it out soon

After reading No Impact Man I had decided to reduce my consumption of environmentally unfriendly goods or cut them out completely but this has diminished along the way (I started using cardboard boxes for groceries and also carrying my cloth bags … haven’t done that in a while!)  so I will make some changes:

  1. consume less eggs and only buy organic & biodynamic eggs
  2. use toilet and kitchen paper made from recycled paper
  3. avoid dairy products – milk, cheese etc (this one is tough as alot of recipes I like have cheese, being a Mediterranean gal ricotta is like butter to a French gal!!)
  4. chocolate: will use this guide  ie NO more Guylian, Ovaltine, Hershey’s, Reeses’s, Cadbury, Mars products (unless Rainforest Alliance Certified), Nestle, BUT more of Cocolo, Lindt, Scarborough Fair, Whittakers (I tried recently …. yummy), Ferrero (can live on these alone!), Cocoa Farm…. hmmmm will download and print whole list 🙂
  5. will endeavour to buy organic & biodynamic wines when and if I must buy wines as a present
  6. will buy mostly seasonal fruit and veg
  7. will go to farmers’ markets in Bowral every week or every fortnight
  8. use my car less and less and cycle/walk more
  9. research recipes with substitute dairy … Chocolate oatmeal cookies, Sweet potato soup……….



Meat’s Not Green

Meat – the hidden costs to the planet: Go Vegetarian by Ilse Savenije

Albert Einstein was a spiritual leader as well as a scientist!

‎”Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” ~Albert Einstein