Apologist takes on West’s mass-marketed spirituality by Melissa Ruleman

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes.”


Living at a time of crisis


With ‘Super Soul Sunday’ shows Oprah Winfrey continues her role as spiritual leader by Brett Buckner

On Sunday mornings, Pam Kirkland of Jacksonville attends what she jokingly calls “the Church of Me.”


Religious Expert: Mass Media Promotes New-Age Spirituality by Paul Wilson

Christian apologist argues that mass media figures such as Oprah and Deepak Chopra active in supporting New Age movement.

We need to talk about gurus by Sylvia Thompson

Event organiser Jane Stephenson has gained a unique insight into what motivational speakers have to offer.

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – The Gospel of Enlightenment – Karma: Reaping and Sowing

One of the Buddhist teachings that as an old Sacred Heart Convent Girl it took me a while to assimilate is Karma, and Dr Chopra has this to say:

Karma – Reaping and Sowing

“The primary tenet of Karma is that every action works like a seed that sprouts and brings fruit in the form of a result. Jesus isn’t identified with such an Eastern concept, yet he famously said, “As you sow, so shall you reap”.

Christ didn’t use the word Karma, but throughout the Gospels  we are told that every action has a consequence, either here or in Heaven.

Christ’s version of Karma

  • “Every action leads to a result
  • Good actions have good results, bad actions bad results
  • Every action is seen and weighed. Nothing can be hidden or kept secret
  • If your actions are good, you will grow spiritually
  • As you grow, your thoughts and wishes will manifest in the material world. Karma operates faster and more consciously”

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – The World as Illusion

The ultimate learning in Buddhism is the understanding of Emptiness. What did Christ say ?

Christ said ” Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, give to God the things that are God’s” and also “For those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance”. How to resolve such contradictions?

Jesus taught us that the world is an illusion. If material things are a dream, it makes sense to pay them no heed. The mind is pulled away from spiritual goals by mistaking money, possessions and status as real.

Separating illusion from reality doesn’t usually happen all at once. What we experience as reality changes in different stages of consciousness.

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – The Gospel of Enlightenment – Love and Grace

Love is certainly the word most associated with Jesus. Jesus treats love as something radical, a life-changing event. Love will bring God back into our existence. Love will make peace with our enemies and bring joy into our hearts.

How could a person possibly love anyone else – neighbour, enemy or family – as much as he loves himself?

At the level of the ego this challenge is impossible to  solve. The root of the problem is that divine love is divided from human love by a great gap. This is a chasm of consciousness and only consciousness can fill it.

Divine love is freely given and unearned.

The only viable way to follow Jesus’s teachings on love is to match them with your own level of consciousness.

Reality changes in different states of consciousness, and the same holds true for love. At lower levels of awareness our experience is dominated by the need to survive, and there are many threats to well-being. Love is experienced as temporary and far too weak to overcome the threat of violence. At this level of consciousness we feel victimised; we see no sign that God is watching, much less caring for us. In the midst of such experiences, divine grace seems a remote promise, at best. In order for grace to work, life must change, and for life to change, consciousness must change first.

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – The Path to Heaven

Jesus pointed the way to a seeker’s Heaven. Finding God was a mystery, but in more mundane terms it was a process, not a leap or a promise that would be automatically fulfilled at the sound of a last trumpet.

The path of devotion

  1. prayer
  2. constant worship
  3. love of Christ

The path of service

  1. charity
  2. altruism
  3. humility

The path of contemplation

  1. monastic
  2. reclusive
  3. impoverished

Going within requires a person to wake up, also. In fact that’s the only way to live any spiritual path to the fullest.

It’s more reasonable to assume that reaching Heaven requires an unfolding process.

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra -The Kingdom of God is Within

The goal of a Christian life is to reach the Kingdom of God. Millions believe this means going to Heaven after you die. But Jesus is much more ambiguous than that. There is just as much evidence in the gospels that reaching the Kingdon of God means arriving at a higher level of consciousness.

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, Lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” Luke 17:20-21

Only inner transformation could bring about Christ’s vision of the Kingdom of God on earth, which was the Messiah’s ultimate mission. Jesus will not return physically to raise the dead from their graves. instead, the Second Coming will be a shift in consciousness that renews human nature by raising it to the level of the divine (you may read further on this in A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle).

So, did Jesus mean that the Kingdom of God is in us at every moment or only after we seek it out? Why is God silent and seemingly absent for millions of people?

God as an image and Idea: people see what they expect to see; since all these visions are mental events, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that they might also be mental creations. god exists in different place depending on your level of consciousness. This becomes critical on the spiritual path, because as your own awareness shifts, God does too.