Watching YouTube

My elder sister sent me these to watch  ………

The life of little St. Therese of Lisieux, depicted in minimalist vignettes. Therese and her sisters are all nuns in a Carmelite convent. Her devotion to Jesus and her concept of “the little way” to God are shown clearly, using plain modern language. A sense of angelic simplicity comes across without fancy lights, choirs, or showy miracles.

This intimate, intense little film shows the making of a saint `from the outside.’ When I first saw it, I was so impressed by the portrait of young Therese Martin that I learned all I could about the icon she became to the Roman Catholic World.

The after-death publication of her stubby-pencil autobiography “The Story of a Soul” captured the attention of the devout. She rapidly came to be known as `The Little Flower’ or “St. Therese of Lisieux” and was canonized in 1927, becoming co-patroness of France with St. Joan of Arc, and a “doctor of the church”.

The film shows us this giant figure of the faith as she appeared within the hermitically sealed world of a Carmelite convent-a little girl with quietly extraordinary qualities. No music or heavenly light announces her holiness. The scenes are barren, the light is directional and shadowed, as in a Caravaggio painting.

The film presents a series of vignettes, as though on as shallow stage. Within each one, she seems to seek to hide, not allowing herself to dramatize even her own illness and approaching death. But the reactions of other sisters reveal her.

An elderly nun chooses her as confessor, surrendering to her the one private possession she has retained, against the rules, for 50 years. A confused and unhappy young sister responds to her clear-eyed and loving compassion.

A crabby older sister showers her with flowers and asks her for the relic of a fingernail clipping, astonished that she is unable to withhold her homage.

Most important, her Mother Superior, who alone knows her secret desire to become a great saint, requires that she write down the thoughts of her heart, knowing that they will be important.

Believers will be moved, the merely curious may find themselves breathless.

Sir Francis Drake prayer

I found this using ‘Prayers & Blessings’ for Android phones!

“A Prayer for Spiritual Revival”:

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wider seas Where storms will show your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars. We ask You to push back The horizons of our hopes; And to push into the future In strength, courage, hope, and love.Because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess We have lost our thirst For the waters of life; Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity And in our efforts to build a new earth, We have allowed our vision Of the new Heaven to dim. Amen.

Sir Francis Drake
(1540 – 1596)

Is There a Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Track? by Tzvi Freeman

Mindfulness is a Jewish idea and it is called kavanah.


Prayer versus the sounds of silence by Douglas Todd

You could call it a religious war of words, with the West Coast serving as one of its most intense battlegrounds.

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – The Path to Heaven

Jesus pointed the way to a seeker’s Heaven. Finding God was a mystery, but in more mundane terms it was a process, not a leap or a promise that would be automatically fulfilled at the sound of a last trumpet.

The path of devotion

  1. prayer
  2. constant worship
  3. love of Christ

The path of service

  1. charity
  2. altruism
  3. humility

The path of contemplation

  1. monastic
  2. reclusive
  3. impoverished

Going within requires a person to wake up, also. In fact that’s the only way to live any spiritual path to the fullest.

It’s more reasonable to assume that reaching Heaven requires an unfolding process.

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – How to “Resist Not Evil”

“Do we understand what Christ said: “Resist not Evil” ? Passivity? Moral superiority?

The moment someone is branded as evil the natural reaction is revenge. So despite Jesus’s teachings we feel we have the right to exact punishment.

‘Resist not evil’ if carried out in real life would lead to a society of forgiveness! If we went around forgiving everybody;

  1. evil people would completely take over, dominating us
  2. they might forgive us in return and stop being evil
To demonstrate that option 2 is not insane, Jesus lived out his own teaching. But we continue to live by the very law he preached against “an eye for an eye”.
The missing element, as always, is CONSCIOUSNESS. You cannot live by “Resist not evil” without being in a higher state of consciousness.
Fortunately, to the extent that you rise toward God-consciousness, evil withdraws, leaving you invulnerable. Evil is everything when  you are susceptible to it; it is nothing when you aren’t. In Buddhism and in the lives of Christian saints, we find abundant evidence that awareness can grow in the direction of God-consciousness.
  1. meditation – sit every day and find the silence inside yourself
  2. contemplation – the mind plays a large part in how you react to evil
  3. revelation – to see through the mask of evil, search for the light that is the essence of everything
  4. prayer – ask to see what lies behind evil. Emotions are insubstantial, convincing for only a moment. Ask to be reminded that illusion is not real. 
  5. Grace – grace replaces evil with love. 
  6. Love – every enemy is a symbol of your own loveless state. The absence of love gets filled by evil. By returning to a space of love, you rob evil of a place to live. Love is more powerful than evil because it alone is real.
  7. Faith – faith is required when you are in a state of suffering. 
  8. Salvation – When you step outside of your own suffering, you are saved. Jesus calls this place the Kingdom of God, or the soul. The label is less important than finding experience. Step by step, each person must locate an inner state that is free from images of pain; in that state lies redemption.
  9. Unity – all the previous steps serve one purpose, to blur the line between good and evil. Good and evil are self-created. The new thing you must create is the absence of duality. No more dark vs light, safe vs unsafe, God vs Satan. As these boundaries fade, nothing remains but one reality, a boundless state known as God. “

The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra – I am the Light

Is Jesus really all about enlightenment?

Jesus says “I am the light”. Mystically light is what you see when you wake up to your soul.

Making others enlightened was his purpose.

Suffering isn’t a matter of breaking the law, renouncing money, or leaving the world. It’s a matter of seeing these obstacles as pure illusion.

The essentials of a spiritual life as taught by Jesus

  1. Meditation – going within to contact the silent mind; the light exists inside everyone
  2. Contemplation – reflecting on the truth; think about any object outside yourself or any event outside yourself. If you reflect upon it deeply enough, you will discover that everything is made of light. The inner and outer world are both reflections. Everything solid is a shadow, only the light is real.
  3. Revelation – receiving spiritual insight; the light reveals itself when you see with the yes of the soul
  4. Prayer – asking for higher guidance; prayer is about finding the truth
  5. Grace – taking God into one’s heart; the light can also be described as pure love.
  6. Love – participating in divine love
  7. Faith – Believing in a higher reality; when you stop believing in the illusion of the material world and see everything for what it really is – light – you have faith. The reason all things are given to someone with faith is very simple: The light can shape itself into anything at will. Physical obstacles can;t stop the free flow of light.
  8. Salvation – realising that you have a place in higher reality; you are redeemed when you move into the light. You’ve escaped your false self and arrived at your true self.
  9. Unity – becoming one with God; once you realise you are the light, nothing stands between you and God.
Glimpses of beauty and love are glimpses of light. Perception creates reality. The trick, in fact, is to take Jesus literally. “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Light”. Yet the light is your own consciousness, here and now, in the messy present tense. 

Aka acceptance & surrender… Carry the Cross & the Cross will carry you Today I am reading day 80 of Life Application Study Bible ® Devotion: